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Project Sena
Biodiversity Conservation and Animal Welfare

Project Sena focuses on addressing wildlife conservation and animal welfare issues through habitat management, community engagement, policy implementation, and self-sustaining approach for the long-term.

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About Sena

About the project

Sena from Hindi and Kannada translates to "an army". From Greek origins, it translates to unconditional love or the pull and power of nature.

Synonymously, Project Sena focuses on addressing wildlife conservation and animal welfare issues through habitat management, community engagement, policy implementation, and self-sustaining approach for the long-term.


The BMOH Project


BMOH stands for Bonnet Macaque One Health Project, based on Chamundi hills, Mysore.

Monkeys are attributed with diverse human characteristics. They are also revered in India as an Avatar of Hanuman, the monkey God in Ramayana. With this, also comes the provisioning in religious sites.

The bonnet macaques of Chamundi hills are limitlessly provisioned and now, the troops are severely sick, obese, and suffering from skin disorders. This also has grave impacts on ecological balance, plant pollination, and habitat growth. It does not end here. Regular provisioning results in negative and aggressive interactions with local communities and tourists alike, resulting in dire consequences for both the people and monkeys.

Under this project, we are now collecting data, building a report, and focusing on bringing policy changes, involving local communities in implementation techniques, and a persistent educational approach to rectify the situation.